Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The ABCs of Social Networking

The evolution of Information Technology gave birth to what could best be described as the next most effective medium, the social networking sites.

Social Networks like the Facebook, Multiply, Friendster, MySpace, LinkedIn, Nexopia, Bebo, Twitter, Tagged, StudiVZ, iWiW, Tuenti, Decayenne, XING, Badoo, Skyrock, Orkut, Hi5, Mixi, Wretch, Xiaonei, Cyworld, Areapal and Flixter, have in fact been considered as the next big thing insofar as being an effective media. As a matter of proof, politicians, including no less than US Pres. Barack Obama, made use of some of them while campaigning for the highest elective position in the land.

Through this IT baby, he was able to reach the youth and professional sectors, translating them into votes that brought him to the White House.

What is Social Network?

Information Technology's web-based social network service is a relatively big online community, where members share interest, express thoughts and create a chain of friend network and contacts.

Many of these social network sites are providing a wide range of option where members can actually interact. Electronic mails and instant messaging are among them.

Among the services that these social networking sites are offering are categories designed to connect with long lost friends, former classmates, love interests and business contacts.

Using Social Networks at Work

There have been major concerns on the use of social networks and related sites during work hours. According to studies, it hampers productivity of the company, efficiency of the employees and adversely affects results.

More than these, a study conducted by the Business research firm Basex said that distractions emanating from accessing social networking sites during work has resulted in huge losses. The same study placed revenue losses at a whopping $ 588 billion per annum, an amount which could hurt what is already an ailing US economy.

Amid the bad news, there is nothing wrong with the social networks and related sites. It's the people using them who have to learn the proper use of these sites.

Unsolicited Advices

Social networks and related links are essential to businesses, especially at a time when everything seemed IT-based.

There are some companies who have issued an absolute prohibition on accessing these sites. It is imperative that we learn to respect a company decision as well as its policies to avoid sanctions, or worse, losing your job.

For the very few lucky employees working in an entity where they are not dissuaded from accessing social networks and related links, it is a "must" that they know how to use these sites properly.

Among the basics are: knowing what and what not to post, proper use of the site (with special emphasis on privacy settings), and keeping decency in posting comments or expressing your thoughts. Laws governing libel don't cover the net, but it would still be best to be careful with whatever you may want to post.

Professionalism should be observed, always. These sites could be used for interconnection with people of similar work, field of interest, business, friends and family. We can also get the latest news from around your circle using these sites.

It is also a good site for advancing careers and business.

In uploading contents (blog, videos and photos), it is important that we are made aware as to who our audiences are. Social network sites are not the place where we can get even with somebody with whom we are at odds with. It is also not the place where we make nasty remarks on other people, spread rumors or sow panic. Pranksters are not welcome in these sites.

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